Benefits of a Certified Driver's Education Course
Driving is one of the greatest privileges in life. Imagine no longer being dependent on friends or family for rides, rideshare apps, or public transit to get where you need to go. This is the freedom that a driver’s license gives you. Whether you’re a new teen driver or a mature adult who never needed to drive until now, there are lots of reasons to enroll in a driver education course in Wichita, KS. Here are the top five reasons you should sign up for a course.
Required by Law
Taking a certified drivers education course isn’t required to get your license, but you're required to pass the state written exam and driving tests as well as have a certain number of practice hours on the road before being able to take the exam or test. Taking a certified drivers education course is the best thing to do to get these hours in as well as learn the information you need to pass the tests.
Structured Learning Environment
When you’re learning to drive, you may feel completely confident in your friend or family member’s ability to teach you what you need to know. They might do really well but one of the best reasons to take a certified drivers education course is that it’s a structured learning environment. There's a clear curriculum in place, and when you meet at the same time every week or every day, you may get through the course quicker than you would if you were taking informal driving lessons with someone you know.
Prepare for the State Exams
When you’re learning to drive, being able to practice with licensed friends and family is very helpful but one of the major advantages of going through a certified drivers education course is that the course is designed to prepare you for the state written exam as well as the driving test.
More Flexible Scheduling
With certified drivers’ education, you’re not required to incorporate it as part of your teenager’s regular school curriculum. If you’re an adult driving student, you may already have a job, family, and kids that take up your time during the day. A certified drivers education course makes life more convenient through class times that will fit your schedule much better.
Dedicated Professional Teachers
If you have a teenager who’s been itching to drive, your child’s school may offer drivers education classes as part of the regular curriculum. When taught in school, the role of drivers ed teacher is often filled by teachers who teach other subjects. One of the benefits of taking a driving education course is that the teachers are more likely to be teaching drivers education full-time. The staff at these driving schools are dedicated to this job and helping new drivers succeed on the road.
There’s a lot of freedom and responsibility that comes with having a driver’s license, but most of all, it will make your life so much more convenient. Contact Legacy Driving School of Andover today when you’re interested in getting the best driver education in Wichita, KS.